Julie Michael Memorial Scholarship Fund

A scholarship fund has been set up through the SoutheastHEALTH Foundation to support oncology certification in Julie Michael's honor.

Julie Michael Memorial Scholarship Fund

Julie Michael passed away on April 26, 2023. An honors graduate of Southeast Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing, Julie was part of the SoutheastHEALTH family for almost 25 years. Her entire career was spent on the Southeast Hospital Oncology Unit, where she touched countless lives with her exemplary nursing skills, compassion and kindness.

Julie embraced life and loved to be with her fellow staff members, family and friends. She was a mentor to so many nurses and a fearless advocate for her patients. Julie opened her heart to all of us, and she will long be remembered in our hearts.

Julie furthered her education by becoming an Oncology Certified Nurse and encouraged other nurses to seek certification. A scholarship fund has been set up through the SoutheastHEALTH Foundation to support oncology certification in her honor.

Payroll Deduct Option
If you would like to donate via payroll deduct, please visit sehealth.org/juliepd.

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